For businesses and local residents in need of one time, small batch shredding services, Augusta Data Storage offers drop-off shredding at our Augusta, GA facility. Items left for drop-off destruction will be treated with the same level of care and attention as those items managed through our scheduled and purge shredding services.
Simply drop-off your items at our facility at 3126 Mike Padgett Highway, and we will weigh and process them for destruction. Drop-off services are billed by the pound and are subject to a minimum service charge. Augusta Data Storage also offers drop-off shredding services for end-of-life electronic devices.
What can I shred?
If you’re wondering what information you should shred and what is safe to simply throw away, we’ve put together a list of items that are often recommended for secure destruction.
Managing Records for your Home Office
If you are self-employed or run a small business from your home office, you may often find yourself with piles of papers you know you shouldn’t toss in the trash, but aren’t sure what other options you have. Our drop-off shredding services are the perfect solution. Here are some great tips on how to protect the proprietary information regularly found in home offices.
Preparing items for shredding
As you are preparing your items for drop-off shredding, please be aware that there are certain items we cannot process through our plant. While our machines can handle paperclips and staples, we ask that you remove papers from three-ring binders, butterfly and binder clips, plastic ring binders, and other bulky metal items that may damage the shredder. Read more FAQs about our shredding services here.