Why Should Your Business Use Secure Shredding


Have you ever considered the disposal practices of your business? Where does all your paper go? Are you tossing it or recycling it? If you’re just tossing documents in the trash, do you know who is picking up your garbage and where it goes when it leaves your facility? It’s something to think about, especially if you’re handling proprietary or personally identifying information on a regular basis. Knowing and understanding the disposal path of your documents is important, especially if you were to find yourself a victim of a data breach. If you have the appropriate practices and policies in place, tracing the path of your documents once they leave your facility will be much easier, if necessary. Secure shredding offers the structure of a defined destruction system with a peace of mind of a secure process to protect all your information.

Not convinced you need to be using a secure shredding  program for your documents? Check out these 4 reasons why you and your company might want to give our secure destruction process a second thought.

Information Protection

As we mentioned previously, a rise in data breaches and identity theft have placed increased pressure on businesses to maintain tighter control of information throughout its useful life and beyond. Whether you manage business to business transactions or business to consumer transactions, you must work to protect the information that comes into your facility each day. From banking and credit card information to employee records, client files and more, there is a lot of information floating around out there, so make sure you are taking the correct steps to keep it secure, even when you’re throwing it out. Your customers trust you with their information. They willingly give you the information you need to process transactions related to your business. If you do not protect that data appropriately, you may find yourself and your business the victims of a data breach. By protecting the information in your possession you are not only protecting yourself and your clients but your employees as well. It’s better to be proactive and create safe practices on the front-end, than be reactive and have to develop a response plan on the back end of a data crisis.

Required by Law 

Did you know that your business is required by law to develop a document destruction policy? And, did you know that by working with a NAID-AAA certified company like Augusta Data Storage, you meet the due diligence requirements of finding a viable vendor for your secure shredding program? Our certified process for plant based and mobile shredding services will provide you and your customers the peace of mind that your information is being destroyed appropriately and is protected throughout the process.

Create More Space

If you have years and years of archived records that you no longer need to keep on hand but are scared to toss, secure destruction is a GREAT way to open up some additional storage space in your office and ensure that those old records are being safely disposed of and destroyed. Maybe you’re relocating your office and need to purge records? Creating this space will also reduce the risk for a fire. If your office is piled high with papers you will be feeding a fire. 

Give Augusta Data Storage a call and we’d be happy to help you with a one-time purge and even help you relocate your files.

Our process is Environmentally Friendly

We don’t just shred your papers and send them to the landfill, all of our shredded papers are baled and recycled to make new consumer goods. In 2019 alone Augusta Data Storage shredded 866 tons of paper. This means that each month Augusta Data Storage shredded and recycled 72 tons of paper. That’s enough paper to save over 14,738 trees, 8,645,000 gallons of water that would be used to make new paper, and 3,544,044 Kw of energy. That’s a great environmental impact, just think of all the extra paper you might be tossing and how it could be affecting the environment. Our process isn’t just safe for you, your employees, and your customers; it’s safe for the environment as well!

Efficient & Convenient

Getting rid of stacks and stacks of paper documents can be a daunting task and securely shredding these documents on site can be a significant investment of your employees time and energy. By partnering with Augusta Data Storage you can ensure your employees focus more of their time on their primary tasks and allow our document destruction experts to securely dispose of your sensitive documents. 

For added levels of convenience, we offer both mobile shredding and drop off shredding depending on your business needs. Our mobile shredding trucks are NAID-AAA secured, and will shred your documents on site and provide you with the NAID-AAA certificate for your records. Otherwise, if you feel more comfortable with bringing your documents to us or you have a small batch of documents, your items will be given the same amount of time and attention. 

Take a look at how our plant-based secure shredding process works.

If you’re on the fence about whether or not a secure document destruction process could work for you and your business, we urge you to reconsider. Protecting personal and sensitive information will only continue to rise in importance as cases of identity theft and data breaches continue to rise. Contact us today to find out how we can help you create a secure document destruction program to fit the unique needs of your business!