Risks of Mishandled Electronic Waste

Information storage has made a major shift over the last decade and while paper records are still prevalent, many businesses have made the switch to digital archiving and record keeping. There are many benefits, including saved storage space, ability to access records anywhere, and less paper waste. However, most businesses don’t consider what to do with the outdated electronic devices that once housed secure information.


From computers and hard drives to laptops and tablets, every day businesses across the CSRA are sending, receiving, opening, saving, and sharing digital records on a variety of devices.  Many business owners believe that digital records are much easier to manage, especially since they don’t require storage or shredding, but have you ever considered what happens to your outdated digital devices and the information they once stored?


In a previous article we discussed the common misconception that simply wiping a devices hard drive will remove all the information, but that is not always the case. In addition, even if the information is removed, what happens when you toss the devices in the dump, how long does it take for them to breakdown? If you are mishandling your electronic waste, you pose a threat not only to your business and customers, but also to the environment.


Risks of Mishandling E-Waste


Information Security Risks

There are many “simple solutions” people find for getting rid of their electronic devices, some people clear the hard drive and trade them in, while others just stockpile the outdated devices in a closet or storage area. However, scrubbing your hard drives or drilling a hole in them doesn’t mean they are 100% cleared of all your information and with the right skillset, a thrifty hacker can likely recover damaging information with a few clicks of a button. While it might be lucrative to wipe your devices and sell them for refurbishment, this can be a risky step to take, especially if you are managing proprietary information on those electronic devices. It’s important to consider the security of your information, not only while digital devices are actively being used, but as they approach the end of their useful life. Make sure to have a plan in place to ensure your information doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

Environmental Risks

Apart from security risks, there are also environmental risks associated with mishandled e-waste. Many electronic devices are not designed with environmental friendliness in mind. According to ERIDirect, various parts of your electronic devices can take over 1 Million years to decompose, meaning they will sit in landfills for centuries before they even start to break down. In addition to these less harmful risks, electronic waste is also extremely toxic. A 2015 Study from the University of British Columbia outlined a variety of toxic chemicals that can be found in e-waste, as well as the risk they pose to human health. Things like aluminum, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury all pose major risks to the environment and people who come in contact with them, and, you guessed it, all of these items can be found in a variety of electronic devices. That’s why it’s so important to properly dispose of these items, and not just toss them out with the garbage.




How to properly dispose of e-waste:

Every year, the average American family of four tosses out 176 lbs of electronic waste, this not only poses a huge risk for the environment, but also for information security. If you find that you have outdated electronics that you need to safely and securely dispose of, Augusta Data Storage is here to help! Our E-waste solutions are designed to reduce environmental and security risks associated with e-waste by using a zero landfill operation that mechanically shreds, sorts and separates electronics into scrap commodities which are then recycled to make new products. Our e-waste shredder can process a variety of items including:

  • Hard Drives
  • Server Drives
  • Memory Boards
  • Back-up Tapes
  • Cell Phones & Tablets
  • Keyboards & Mouse
  • Computer Accessories
  • Switches & Modems
  • Monitors & CRT Devices


Whether you are a local business looking to bulk shred a large amount of electronic waste, or an area resident with a few old computers and laptops, we’re here to help you keep your information and our environment safe.