Is Your Business Using Layered Backup Systems?


We live in an information-rich world. Statistics say humans create over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every single day. That’s a lot of data.

While that number represents a variety of information, from various platforms, you can bet that a sizeable chunk includes critical business data. As our world continues to shift to digital records management solutions, it’s worth considering the risks of your existing backup systems.


It’s no secret that having multiple layers of protection is considered “best practice.” People often mention the idea of having a backup for your backup in jest, but it is a good idea to consider various backup options for your confidential and vital business records.

Consider this; your business falls victim to a devastating fire (hurricane, flood, or other natural disasters), all on-site servers that host your data are lost as well as any locally stored backups you had in place. How detrimental is this to your overall operation? Do backups exist somewhere that would not be affected?

How about another scenario? Your systems fall victim to a ransomware attack. Do backups of that information exist anywhere outside of the network held for ransom? If so, the risk of loss is likely less damaging than if your live data, as well as your archived data and backups, are at risk.


Developing an effective layered backup system involves thinking of a variety of scenarios where your data might be at risk. Consider the situations mentioned above or the threat of system crashes and failures. In each of these cases, having only one type of backup increases your risk of costly data loss.

Building a layered backup system isn’t just about considering various backup methods; it’s all about the physical location of your information. If all your backups are on the same server or inside the same facility, the threat of total loss still exists in some cases.

The solution? Create an “air gap

Air gap backup means that at any given time, a backup of your data exists offline and is not accessible from any threat that might infiltrate your server systems. In today’s landscape, many are moving towards a 3-2-1-1 system (3 copies, 2 different formats, 1 offsite, and 1 offline). The added layer ensures you are not reliant on your online backup as your only offsite option.


Our facility has a climate-controlled secure media vault specifically designed to house multiple media types, including tapes, disks, and other temperature sensitive items or vital business records.

Our vault offers total climate control with maintained temperature and humidity controls and in-vault fire suppression systems. This vault provides a cost-effective added layer of security for your information, and your data backups are accessible to you 24/7 in the event of an emergency. If you’re interested in learning more about our offsite media storage solutions, contact us today!